Episode 29 – Legends of Ultron!

We’re back after a couple of week hiatus. Mike and I were both traveling but we’ve had some time to let Age of Ultron digest and we’re ready to tell you all our nerdy little thoughts. Mikes brother from the same mother, Josh, joins us for the third in the Nerd Den!

Mike and I also bottled the Oatmeal Stout we brewed during our last episode. I’m afraid it didn’t ferment enough or at all… We’ll see how it comes out in a week or two.


Revolution Eugene Porter – http://revbrew.com/beer/detail/eugene-porter

Night Shift Belafonte – http://www.nightshiftbrewing.com/beers/the-crew/belafonte/

Otter Creek Black IPA – http://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/119/77274/

Woodstock Brewery 4000 Footer IPA – http://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/1251/68194/

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