Nerdsense Drinks Reviews – #50 Night Shift 2016 Barrel Society #1 Krakatoa

Our livers made it to Episode 50!

We chose to release Night Shifts Krakatoa for our 50th episode for a couple of reasons.

It’s no secret we love Night Shift, so we thought this would be a great beer to commemorate our 50th Nerdsense Drinks episode.

Look out for more reviews of Night Shifts 2016 Barrel Society releases!

We’ll be adding them to their own playlist as well so  you and your friends can throw a viewing party once we release all 7!

We’ll also be dipping into the cellar here and there and making our way through the 2014 & 2015 releases!

Style: Baltic Porter
Container: 750ml Bottle
Glassware: Night Shift 2016 Barrel Society Snifters
Notes:Baltic porter brewed with Dutch cocoa and aged in bourbon barrels; pours the color of espresso with a thick, tan head; earth aromas of burnt chocolate and tobacco; rich flavors of cocoa, leather, molasses, and cherry; sips chewy and full, finishing with hints of anise, oak, and cigar. (9.6%)
Rating: 4.75/5

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